Monday, 19 September 2011

First Post...

Right, here we go then. I have never written a blog in my life. I could never keep a diary as a child or even in my teens, the most exciting part of my day used to be when they served chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce at school, and that is all I used to write about. Pretty darn exciting!

Anyway, my expectations aren't high, but this is more of an 'exercise' for me. I'm hoping to make a career out of writing. Not blogs, specifically - but any practice is good... right?!

I put a lot of thought into what part of my life I could write a blog about. (It should be about my own life I think, as I know a lot more about that than anything else, and I wouldn't want to write about things I don't know about...) People seem to focus on one subject - being a parent is a big one. Planning a wedding is another. Hobbies, interests, work, relationships, friends, money, fashion, baking, current affairs. It seems at the moment I have all of these things going on at once, picking one out to focus on would be hard - so I'm not picking one. (Oh, take the easy way out why don't I.) 

Hopefully what this will result in will be a somewhat varied few pieces of work that I can use as examples and practice for when I (hopefully) get paid to write. It's other intention, if I dare, is to open up the eyes of people who believe that there is just one side to a person.

I don't intend to offend, however this does come with a caution. Not all of my opinions are controversial, but some of them are. I'm quite outspoken (I think my friends and family will laugh at that) and I don't tend to sugar coat things. If I think someone is being a tool I will say so. I do, however, solemnly swear that I won't put ANYTHING in my blog that hasn't already been said to anyone who is in any way part of it.

Await my first PROPER blog. With baited breath if you like... Or not. I don't really mind. I still haven't decided what it will be about. 

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