Wednesday, 28 September 2011

I hate to generalise...

BUT it seems a pretty common theme at the moment that the women I know are going unappreciated, being misunderstood and generally having a pretty hard time. So I thought I'd write a letter to all of the men. It might not apply to YOUR man, or if you are the man it may not apply to you... But I think it best to keep it saved in your favourites somewhere, just in case you ever need to point him in it's direction.

Dear Men,

I am writing with the utmost of respect and love, on behalf of women everywhere to inform you of some small grievances we have.

The thing is, we are feeling rather unappreciated. We know you work hard, and we are grateful. But so do we. We go out and do the shopping for the entire week. We plan the meals to try to save money. We cook the meals every day. We do all the washing up and tidying of the entire house. We wash all of your horrid pants with holes in and smelly socks with the same love and care that we show to our own favourite jeans or best knickers. While you're at work we do DIY to keep the homestead ticking over just so. 

While all of this is happening, we are looking after the children and animals. Which involves more feeding, cleaning and dealing with vomit, snot, blood, wee and poo in volumes you've never witnessed, and could probably never imagine. 

Some of us, on top of this, work. Whether it's full time or part time, one job or two, working from home or from the office. It is tiring. Some of us have ambitions we are desperate to reach and we may be spending a lot of time between chores trying to think of ways to fulfill our dreams. 

Then, after the day is done, and you're home from work, fed and happy, the children are in bed after a very messy bath resulting in having to mop the kitchen floor and 15 stories and every excuse under the sun not to go to sleep, the animals are fed and cared for, we then do what we can to make you feel special. We offer back rubs, snuggles, and if you're lucky, we may take off some clothes and get jiggy. Sometimes, initially, our head might not be in it, because we're actually mentally ticking off which bills need to be paid, but we will do these things because we love you, and want to make you happy. 

All we ask, men, is that you show us some appreciation. We are not saying we work harder than you, just that we seem to be getting a lot less recognition - as most of our work is done out of love, and not to earn money. Cook us dinner once in a while. When you get in from work, put a load of washing on or do some dishes. Offer us a back rub. Run us a nice bath, with bubbles. We're not asking a lot, we are actually quite easily maintained for the most part.

Most importantly, if we seem stressed, distant or snappy, don't take it personally. Ask us nicely what is wrong. If we don't want to talk about it, give us a cuddle, leave it a while and ask again. If we do talk about it - be it logically, rationally, or in a hormonal crying rage, just listen. Don't argue. Don't try to blame us. Don't get angry.

To be honest, we're just really tired. 

All we really want is the love, affection, appreciation and understanding that we deserve.

Understand that for the most part, everything we do is to benefit you in some way. If we are snappy, it is probably because we are stressed to the point of breaking, and we are scared we could melt down at any second. Which would leave you right in the shit to be honest now, wouldn't it?

Kind Regards
The Women

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